Sunday Morning Worship
Begins at 10 am, and consists of a song service, corporate prayer, and sharing from God's Word. The service lasts approximately one hour. Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers. You can view or sermons online on the services tab.
Holy Communion
Is held during the Sunday Morning Worship service at 10 am, on the first Sunday of each month.
Children's Church
Begins immediately following the Sunday Morning Worship song service (approximately 10:30 am). This gives the children a service that is geared toward their age group. For pre-school and elementary aged children.
Family Night
Begins at 6:30 pm, every Wednesday evening (September through May only). We feature AWANA for children two years through 12th grade, a young/married couples Bible study, and an adult Bible study. The program lasts approximately one and one-half hours.
SonShine Ministry
Meets the second Saturday of each month at 10 am (September through May only). This ministry features Bible stories, lessons, and crafts for the cognitively disabled.
Women's Ministry
Meets at various times throughout the year for special events and Bible studies. Please watch the bulletins and calendars for announcements.
Men's Fellowship Breakfast
Meets the third Saturday of each month at 8 am, for food, fellowship, prayer, and a study from God's Word.